Thursday, October 11, 2018

Take the picture

If you are happy right now, do yourself a favor and take pictures of these moments. Write about it, make notes, smile until your face hurts and then take more pictures. Life can turn on a dime and in that instant, your happiness can be stolen so quickly you won't have an opportunity to catch your breath. So take the photos. Remember the moments. Take a video of the laughter and love and light you have shining .. Because some day will come when you will cling to those memories so hard you will fear that you might break them. You will look so hard for a moment when it didnt hurt to smile that you will shake with pain and torment. Have proof that there were good times. Have some documentation that you were happy Because when you hit rock bottom, if you dont have those memories, you will be like me. A ghost. A sad bag of bones wishing you could just die. Struggling to breathe from the misery of losing everything that you didn't even realize you were taking for granted in the first place. Clinging to a person you loved...and who once loved you...with all your heart...with everything you ever had...clinging to them even when they've broken your very soul into so many pieces that it is basically just dust in the wind. I cant be put back together. This cant be undone. So take the picture, trust me. You'll need it.